The Riverside Campus Joint LGB is a Joint Local Governing Board which carries out the local governance
functions for Riverside School, Riverside Primary School and Riverside Bridge School.

Governor Type Start Date End Date
Peter McPartland OBE      (Chair) Trust-appointed 02.09.16 01.09.20
Gail May                      (Vice-Chair) Trust-appointed 02.09.17 01.09.21
Matt Scott Trust-appointed 04.12.19 03.12.23
Nikhil Sangani Trust-appointed 02.01.17 01.01.21
Vacancy Trust-appointed
Venilia Amorim Elected Parent 05.12.19 04.12.23
Vacancy Elected Parent
Greg Vaughan Local Authority Governor 04.05.19 03.05.23
Niriksha Popat Staff Governor 09.12.17 08.12.21
Andy Roberts Headteacher Governor